Modified: English Language Arts A11
(ELA A11 and ELA 11)

This course explores life's challenges and mysteries, considering how stories, decisions, and our experiences shape our understanding of the world. You will examine the complexities of human existence, while considering how we seek answers through different ways of knowing.

Note: This course is offered in a live class format in Semester 1 only. Check our our live class schedule here.




Synchronous Live


ELA 11

What Will I Learn?

You will explore themes that encourage you to find fulfillment, be socially responsible and act in ways that will make you community and world better places, while learning the skills of effective communication of your thoughts and ideas through written and oral mediums.

The goal is to help you become a lifelong learner, developing a sense of self and connection to others, and becoming an engaged citizen.

Modified Courses

Modified courses are specialized courses that require signed parent consent before registering a student up to the age of 18, due to the potential impact to post-secondary options. Students over the age of 18 may sign consent for themselves.

To register in a modified course, full-time Sask DLC students can contact their Academic Advisor and part-time student's schools may contact their local Sask DLC Campus Principal.

Units of Study


Social Responsibility


No Proctored Exams

What is a proctor?

Course Materials

You Will Need

Reliable internet connection and device to submit course work, including speakers or headphones.

Supplied by Sask DLC

Online course material and course timetable

Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.


